dScribe 1.42

I am pleased to announce a new dScribe release. The main changes concern the Sections Editing.

After some usability testing, the way it was done until now was not working well.
So if you use dScribe, I hope this new feature will help.

When you edit a section now, select first a version (or create a new one) ,

If you click on the Edit Elements (the yellow button) you will see now a datagrid with the elements and a dropdown list associated with each of them.

The list contains the most recent approved content for this section (default mode). No autopostback here, only client side dropdown, so no server overload !

The only postback happens if you choose in the list 'Other..'. This choice open below the panel Content, where you can select any content you want, by date too.

And finally after clicking the Preview this is what you have:

Check here for the latest build.

Note: Thanks to Matt for his help. Be sure It will be useful to build my setup package :-)


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