Improve Web Application Performance

Adnan Aman shows some tricks and tips to improve the performance of web applications.


In the IT world, software applications are being rapidly developed. Clients, and so employers, are just looking for those teams/individuals who can build up applications rapidly, just bothering to make their application live; but what often happens after an application goes live is that users start to use the application and it doesn’t respond well. At this point, clients start to lose users and business.

To code an application is not a big deal; I believe it can be done by virtually anyone, meaning it is not necessary to have great knowledge or experience. Improving performance of an existing application (especially an one put together rapidly) could be quite risky and could cause many ripple effects. Things must be planned first to avoid horrible results.

The following are a few points that can make a site scalable and reliable; but which may initially slow down development. I believe that overall, when maintenance and future changes are taken into account, total development time would be reduced.



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