Resharper 4.0 Early Access Program in Two Weeks?

The good folks at JetBrains have recently announced that Resharper 4.0 Early Access Program will be available in two weeks.  It's like one of those long awaited things like Duke Nukem Forever, but it looks like R# will beat it to the punch, fortunately for me.  For those like me, I can honestly say I haven't been as productive in Visual Studio 2008 as I can say I have been without it.  Many people will use the workaround as stated many times around the blogs, but I've just stayed away until they can get it working just right.  Instead, I've been happy using it with Visual Studio 2005 in the mean time.

The only thing now that keeps me with the Visual Studio 2005 sitting around continues to be BizTalk.  I imagine the next Service Pack of BizTalk 2006 R2 will contain the right templates, but it's frustrating that they haven't come out yet.  Either way, I can't wait until R# 4.0!  Until next time...

kick it on

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