Understanding AOP in .NET

In my previous posts I have talked a bit about Inversion of Control (IoC) containers with respect to Interception and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP).  It's not only important to understand the uses and strategies for implementing your solutions using it, but also how interception and AOP works deep down in .NET.  Instead of a long, drawn out post, I think I'll just include some articles and posts that do a very good job of explaining some of the ideas behind it.

Articles and Posts

I think it'd be good if we just start out with some basic MSDN articles and such regarding AOP and interception.  Some of them may be older but the concepts will still apply to this day:

Just Read the Code

There are many AOP frameworks out there in the wild right now for .NET.  To understand them pretty well, it's best if you just crack open the code and follow the unit tests.  Most of these are no longer active.  Let's cover some of the AOP frameworks out there:
Many containers also implement AOP through the IoC container such as:

For those willing and able to go ahead and learn about AOP, it's actually quite interesting.  it's also quite a challenge especially when dealing with IL emitting.  Go ahead and look at the source code and samples and give some of it a try.  Next time we pick up, I'll be talking about AOP in the Enterprise and Spring.NET.  Until next time...

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