Learning VS 2005 part I

In the prequel to this entry I realized I shoudl have blogged my experiences with beta 2 from the start. Anyway, once I figured out what I was going to try to build, it was time to make another stab at getting NUnit to work with VS.

Why NUnit? Because it is what I know, and besides I was so confused about the Team System pieces I thought I would need to set up a mainfame in my basement just to do source control. So I use the class designer to create a User class. I know I should create the test first but I was dying tocheck out the class designer. I like the designer but it still feels clunky. Hopefully that is because it is beta, but sometimes if the feel isn't right I would rather code the class by hand.

Next I created a test to instantiate a User. I pulled down NUNit 2.2 and fiddle with the config and it seems to work. The NUnit GUI comes up, I point to the test dll and no tests show up. I have TestFixture and Test attributes in the proper places. At this point I have had enough, but I know it is beta so I keep digging, all the while I have the Team System Unit Tester knocking at my brain.

I just recieved the DVD from MSDN supscriptions and it had everything on it. So I start the install and guess what - it installs. My configuration is a Win XP laptop with a drive I use just for beta stuff - so that I can take it anywhere and not pollute my other systems. For some reason I thought the unit tester was not a stand alone product. I'm not sure why, that is just the impression I got. I think the Team System guys need to do a better job of explaining what goes on the server and what a dveeloper can run on a workstation without the server.

The next entry will be about learning how to use the built in unit tester.




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