
Archives / 2003 / July
  • Turn off 'Hide Advanced Members'!

    I'm not sure why this is a default option for VB.NET, but if you look at VS.NET's options for VB.NET (Tools, Options, Text Editor, Basic) there's an entry "Hide Advanced Members". It's turned on by default. According to the docs:

  • Another Kudos!

    I don't want to sound like a broken record (since many others have praised Scott and his work), but the new interface is really nice!  I still miss my WYSIWYG preview from Bloggar, but this is a great improvement.  And I love the new styles!  Thanks Scott!

  • Inheriting Constructors

    An interesting thread on inheriting constructors, which .NET -- along with Java and C++ -- don't do. If you want all the same constructors as your base class, you need to add code for them.

  • NGEN *still* requires the IL.

    While many people who are "into" .NET may already know this, I still see this come up in the Microsoft newsgroups from time to time. People read a little about NGEN and how it produces a native executable and they think they're in the clear (i.e. don't need to worry about the .NET framework or ILDASM). This is not true. Eric Gunnerson pointed this out in a newsgroup post a couple of years ago. It bears repeating:

  • VB.NET and DirectCast

    Paul Vick: " it turns out, there are some narrow situations where using DirectCast can make things a tiny bit fast than they might otherwise be."

  • VB6, Variants and COM-Interop

    Ran into an interesting issue with COM-interop and Variants. In VB6, I had a "Value" Property that was of type 'Variant'. While I loathe variants, it really was required for this project since it could hold all sorts of data. Since it could hold anything, this "Value" property had a "Property Get", "Property Set" and "Property Let". I needed to use this interface in a .NET class so I used TLBIMP.EXE and get a runtime-callable-wrapper (RCW).

  • Update on Exit Try

    Just wanted to clarify a few things based on comments to my original post on the "Exit Try" issue:

  • Beware "Exit Try"!

    Brad Abrams' recent post about the IL code generated by the C# compiler reminded me of an issue that someone found with the VB.NET "Exit Try" statement. I thought I'd post it here to make sure all three of my subscribers know about this... :)