Synchronization in WinForms with Lambdas

In a recent thread in the ADVANCED-DOTNET mailing list, the topic of multiple threads and WinForms came up.  As you probably know, Windows Forms controls can only be accessed/manipulated from the thread on which they were created.  The topic of Control.Invoke came up and Richard Blewett made the following comment:

As an aside, I generally find the programming model introduced with SynchronizationContext in v2.0 to be simpler than using the Control.InvokeRequired/Control.BeginInvoke pair

I had never even heard of this object so I did some research.  There's a WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext that handles executing code on the main UI thread.  Matt Dotson has an example of using the synchronization context to update a Textbox from a background thread.  The code is pretty simple:

   1: context.Send(new SendOrPostCallback(
   2:       delegate(object state)
   3:       {
   4:           //This executes on the ui thread
   5:           textBox1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
   6:       }
   7:    ), null);

But it becomes even simpler with C# 3.5's lambda syntax:

   1: context.Send(s => textBox1.Text = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString(), null);


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