Book: Test Driven Development in Microsoft .Net

I just ordered Test Driven Development in Microsoft .Net by James W. Newkirk and Alexei A. Vorontsov.  I've done a little bit of NUnit, but I'm still lost on how to implement it with database apps and other non-algorithmic apps.  I haven't bought a book in a good while, since I get more review copies than I can read, but this one looks like a must.


  • Do you know of any online reviews of this book? I see that no one has reviewed it yet at Amazon.

  • I assume there is no review because its so new. Paul Speranza linked to his comment on Roy's blog where he says its good so far, and I've seen several other blogs say the same. Also, I think someone indicated the authors are part of the NUnit development team, so this is really coming from the experts.

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