More Problems with SP1 for .NET v1.1

Last time I ran into problems with SP1 for .NET v1.1 it was because it was installed on my web server and the client validation files were out of sync.  I had not installed it yet on my own machine, so I did not have any problems with using it myself, but I did go ahead and install it after that edisode.  Today I finally got around to making another small set of changes in my web app -- for the first time with SP1 for .NET v1.1 on my own development box.  Well, to make a long story short, somehow SP1 either requires different security settings for debugging, or it changed my settings during the installation process.  Or maybe it was because I couldn't install SP1 on top of my existing .NET v1.1 install (as many others have noted also) and so I had to uninstall and reinstall .NET v1.1 before installing SP1.  Anyhow, I now have to turn on Windows authentication to debug my web applications!  Note that I do NOT mean that I have to turn off anonymous access, for that's still on also -- but I do have to also turn on Windows auth at the same time.  Maybe there's something else I'm missing, but I never saw this before, and I don't see any way to do it otherwise now, and that's all the information the error message provides.  A search on the error message only turned up how to turn on Windows auth (duh) -- it gave no clue as to how to stop needing Windows auth in the first place.  :(


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