Coding Standard for .NET and VB6 Teams

I started my new job at PRG/Schultz last week here in Atlanta, and had a very nice first week.  One of my first tasks is to create a coding standard for all new .NET development.  Now anyone that reads the MSDN docs should know what Microsoft recommends.  There are also others besides Microsoft that have adopted this new coding style.  There is even an automated compliance checker called FxCop available from Microsoft.  Most all .NET books and articles are also written to this new standard, checked by FxCop.  So it seems obvious that the Microsoft recommendation should certainly be the first choice.  Especially when you consider large corporations assume that people will come and go over time.

So what's my point then?  The existing team here at PRG is used to the traditional Hungarian style used in most VB6 shops.  I don't want to disrupt things too much, so I would really appreciate your feedback on this one.  What types of experiences have others out there had moving a team to the new standards?  What would you recommend to help them understand the need and reach of this new style?  Also, is anyone out there actually not adopting the new .NET standards, and why is that?  The more feedback the better, so don't hold back -- send stories, links, etc.  By the way, this is going to be a VB.NET shop, so any thoughts on customizing the standards towards VB.NET will be appreciated.


  • Now that everything is an object, using hungarian notation is just too complicated.

    Consider nCount - is that an Integer, an Int32, a class derived from integer etc.

    Also it is instructive to run FxCop against some of the framework dlls - Microsoft don't always practice what they preach ;-)

  • I made the transition a while ago from Hungarian to MS's recommended standards for .NET. No problems whatsoever. I advise you and your team to "just do so". My team is currently making the transition as well (from my companies own standards). From what I can observe here sitting behind my desk… they all seem to be smiling and having fun with .NET:

    m_me vs. _me

    Isn’t all that of a big change, again… just make the transition. The people on “your bus” experience this as another challenge in order to make your company successful in the .NET world.

  • Dang it! You got me on a rant against Hungarian notation. It was too long for a comment, so I posted it to my blog (linked to my name above). Good luck with the job!

  • "purpose rather than their implementation"

    A little quote from Richard Talent's "rant"

    I work in a small team, when I said yesterday that Hungarian notation was not the prefered naming style in .Net, I was asked what I meant by Hungarian Notation...

    It is hard to enforce good hungarian, and FXCop makes it quite easy to find and fix all kind of things.

  • description kya hai

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