Moving Into New House Finally Done

We have finally finished moving into our new house!  Yea!  We plan to never move again -- at least not until our kids leave home and its time to downsize or retire.  :)  The last time we moved was 7 years ago, before we had kids or as much stuff, and we seriously under-estimated the amount of work moving was going to entail.  Things were also much more difficult since neither my wife nor myself could get much time off from work -- my job was coincidentally in a very critical time, and my wife's job is short on people right now.  But we somehow managed to pull it off, moving things the last week of October, gradually unpacking and getting most things setup this month, and finally cleaning out our rented storage room this weekend.  We even managed to get our Christmas tree up this weekend, so hopefully our kids will have a pleasant holiday season in our new home.


  • Congrats on the new house (and being done with the move of course).

  • Congrats on getting settled in. Due to the company I worked at being acquired, I ended up moving 4 times in 4 years, and now I just shudder at the thought of moving again. I'm not part of that company anymore, and I don't plan on moving again until we move to somewhere warm - a long time from now unfortunately!

    I can only imagine what it was like doing it with kids to boot!

  • Yeah, moving is a pain. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I was in Iraq when my wife moved us from our apartment to our new house, so I didn't feel that pain, but I, too, hate moving.

  • Congrats on the new house, Paul! Great to hear from you.

  • Paul, congrats on getting the move done. I sympathize with you. We built a new house a new house and moved in about a year and a half ago. I said at the time that it was my last move. Well... my wife is ready to upsize again. I keep telling her that she's going to have to pay for professional movers this time!

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