ASP.NET v2.0: New Web.Config Options in Whidbey

There are lots of new options in the web.config file in ASP.NET v2.0.  I particularly like ability to globally define your RegisterTagPrefixes, as well as your Imports for all of your Pages.  Its also nice to see the cookieless attribute for Forms Authentication, with more options then just true or false so that different devices are handled appropriately.  Many of these others are very complicated, and they'll be discussed in articles about the specific features.  Here's the general layout:

    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms defaultUrl=""
          cookieless="UseCookies|UseUri|AutoDetect|UseDeviceProfile" />
    <connectionStrings />
    <featurePermissions />
    <healthMonitoring />
    <membership />
    <pages master="">
        <add namespace="" />
        <add tagPrefix="" namespace="" />
    <personalization />
    <siteCounters />
    <siteMap />
    <SMTPMail serverName="" serverPort="" from="" />

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