Contents tagged with ASP.NET

  • Facts About Gridview Events..

    would like to share with you some facts about the Events fired in the GridView: ---------------------------------------------------------- RowCommand Is Fired BEFORE SelectedIndexChanging Is Fired BEFORE SelectedIndexChanged ----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- RowDeleting Is Fired BEFORE ObjectDataSource Delete Method Is Fired BEFORE RowDeleted ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- The CommandName in: 1- ButtonField 2- CommandField 3- TemplateField containing a Button, LinkButton, ImageButton If set to: 1- Delete 2- Select 3- Insert 4- Edit 5- etc... The first method to fire is RowCommand before any other method. For example, if you have set OnRowDeleted, OnRowDeleting, OnRowCommand in the GridView on your page, the events are as follows: 1- RowCommand 2- OnRowDeleting 3- OnRowDeleted Hope the information above helps you out... Happy Programming :) Rami M. Nassar

  • Benefits Of LINQ

    Yesterday I was seeking for articles about benefits and advantages of LINQ technologies, and I found alot which I tried to mention them here (some of them I took from msdn forums)..