
Archives / 2008
  • Meet WPF Twitter Client

    Tags: Open Source, Tools, WPF

    I'm not sure how many of my readers being on twitter. If you have no idea what it is, go to, create your account there and start post what are you doing. I am a big fan of twitter. … more

  • Shame and Down to Earth HttpContext.Items Property

    Tags: ASP.NET

    There is a few options to used if you want to stored object on the server-side. Some of the common techniques people used are including Session, Cache, Application. There's a different between each … more

  • Bridging TFS and SVN

    Tags: Open Source, Tools

      This is my second attempt to write on a public on what I've found interesting to be shared and I hope it can established a series of posting. From The Pragmatic Programmer's book tip #23: … more