Contents tagged with Socket

  • How can we get the first IP4 Address of the local machine in c#?

    When we write client server or peer to peer application, a frequent task is to find the first IP4 address of local machine. A machine has multiple types of addresses besides IP4 and IP6. For this reason, we will first get the address list of the machine then will loop through all the addresses to check whether there is an IP4 address. If found then we will return the first address. Otherwise will  return null.

  • Testing whether two IP addresses are in the same network using c#.

    IPv4 address has two basic parts:  the network part and the host part. As we know, if network potions of two IPs are same, they are in the same network. By performing and operation between subnet mask and IP address, we can get the network portion of an IP. By this way, we have found the network portions of two IPs. Then just check whether the network portions are equal or not. For this the following code is written:

  • IP address spoofing in c# using P/Invoke

    According to Wiki, the term IP (Internet Protocol) address spoofing refers to the creation of IP packets with a forged (spoofed) source IP address with the purpose of concealing the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system. For one of my project, I needed IP spoofing. According to a requirement, I need to commutate with a device over crossover cable for configuring it. But the problem is , when device boots  up , it gets an arbitrary IP when it is operating  over crossover connection as it cannot contract with DHCP Server. My PC is in a different network from the device. So i cannot communicate with that device thru socket programming. But one thing I can do, i can search the device using some proprietary protocol and find its information like its IP.