The Matrix...

Tags: Rants, Recommendations, Tech Geek

This is just one of those things that every tech geek must post about.  From what Ive read most of us actually enjoyed the show.  As long as you go into the show only expecting pretty pictures and fast scene's in slow motion you will do ok. 

Dont go in hopeing that the story will make much sense, or expecting the plot to be well formed and consistent.  IMHO they strung a bunch of crap ideas into a nicely packaged box. 

This and this were pretty cool things to see though.

Thats all I have to say.  Good Night

PS. This was written on my palm just after the show, in my car.  How cool is that?

Edit: Anyone other than me see the resemblances with Superman (flying, cape->coat) and Ghostbusters (keymaster/keymaker -> gatekeeper/mainframe, ghostbusting)?


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