Ajax on Linux?

Did you know that the free Ajax library from Michael Schwarz works with Linux as a client (in FireFox)?

Check out the screen shot.

That is Damn Small Linux (DSL) running withing Virtual PC, which has FireFox running and is consuming the Ajax samples which Michael has up on his site.  Notice it is not doing anytihng special regarding the MSXML objects.

More info: [link] [link] [link] [link] [link]  

DSL also has another default browser, Dillo.  I tried that, but with no luck.  I get a javascript error as expected.

Bottom line.  If your exposing Ajax on your site make sure to check the compatibility of your target client browser. 



  • Wallym said

    I believe that the client requirement is that the browser support the XmlHttpRequest object and javascript 1.5. I think Opera still has some problems in this area.

    None the less, it is cool to see this stuff work cross platform.

    Thanks for the tip of "DSL". I had never heard of it. :-)

    Agreed that you have to overcome the issue about what happens with a browser that doesn't support something.


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