Future Posts

So, a new year is upon us. As part of my new year’s resolutions, I decided to keep on blogging, and, what deserves more attention that what I already started?

Well, it just happens that I have a number of post series which I have started but never ended. These include:

  • NHibernate Pitfalls series, a classic, if you follow my blog for a long time, you are certainly familiar with it; definitely a lot to be said on this;
  • NHibernate Extensibility, also a classic, even if I am reconsidering the use of NHibernate for new projects (or am I?), it is likely to be lacking something;
  • Entity Framework Pitfalls, picking on the success (?) of the NHibernate Pitfalls series and adapting it to Entity Framework and specially Code First;
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Extensibility: this is my little baby, and needs to grow some more before I let it go and move to MVC!
  • Unity: yes, that IoC container from Microsoft that I happen to like! I promised some more posts, which will happen soon, I hope.

Besides this, I will probably start a new series on ASP.NET MVC extensibility, I have lots of stuff on this, and cool stuff, by the way!

Also, there’s something I have been wanting to talk about for some time: interception in .NET. I will try to explore all alternatives there are and present some simple ways to achieve it.

Finally, most important,  I promised to publish all my code on GitHub and this is almost ready, just need some cleaning up.

So, as you see, lots of stuff on the way. As usual, looking forward for your comments!


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