The Tuesday of Randomness

Yesterday may very well have been the coolest day of my life. It started out with a chance encounter with Erin Joyce, columnist for She wrote a killer article on blogging and Longhorn last week, and by pure chance, sat next to me at Eric Rudder's keynote. As Paschal pointed out, she quoted me for her article on WinFS. (I'll cut her some slack even if she got my company name wrong. That was quite interesting, and she's a really interesting lady.

So the morning was spent trying to get access to my e-mail. After I got frustrated with the issues with ISA, I decided to go try out a Segway. That was so freakin cool. It's so natural how you interact with it, I just hope someday we can make computers that easy.

Lunchtime rolled around, and I had lunch with Christopher Brumme, one of the best documentation writers....err....bloggers at Microsoft. I found out that he didn't know about blogging until the day before he started, and he has never seen a blog outside of his own. That's ok though, because this guy is responsible for the future of Microsoft, so he obviously doesn't have much time to surf the blogosphere. If I had a choice between his really cool posts and him surfing the blogs, I'd rather have him post ;).

The evening saw a surprise visit from the SimpleGeek, who did an outstanding job at the Allchin Keynote. He's an awesome guy, and we had a very lively chat about API compatibility in Longhorn. Got to meet a whole bunch of really awesome people who are excited about Longhorn as I am, and it was great. I can't wait to see what today has in store. Tonight should be a really killer party at Universal Studios.

There are still a lot of people that I haven't been able to meet yet, so if I haven't seen you yet, please look for me. Today I'm in a gray collarred shirt with green and blue stripes. I'd love to chat with you (Doug Seven where are you??!!? :) ).

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