And suddenly, everything clicks

It's 2:37AM MST. I'm sitting here, continuing my quest to refactor GenX.NET. Just when I thought my code couldn't get any cleaner,  it got cleaner. Not only did I remove my dependence on specific ADO.NET Providers, which eliminated nearly 1000 lines of redundant code. Not only did I move my output system to an "Output Provider" architecture. Not only was I already TOTALLY STOKED about this code...

I just realized that the changes I made to shrink the file size just simplified my provider system, and allows me to use the Factory design pattern to accomplish the task. Not only that, but I get to turn the provider system into a set of Interfaces!

I think I have FINALLY understood the entire OOP concept. It's like hitting the main breaker at a football stadium. And suddenly, everything clicks. GOSH I'm such a NERD. Normal people don't get excited about this stuff... like I care about that. Man, where's a 24 hour Starbucks when you need one? I need White Chocolate Mocha BAD.


  • Well done Rob! I know - only too well - how good it feels to jump over another architectural bar. Just this week, I too felt that my coding form has evolved to a higher place, but, alas, I still haven't reached OONirvana :-)

  • Rob,

    Congrats! I know how you feel. There's a bunch of known “intellectual plateaus”, that once you make it, you feel like you’re on top of the world. The problem is that once there, there isn’t anyone around to share it with. Other architectural “intellectual plateaus” are:

    Truly understanding XML as an object representation

    Understanding declarative programming (XSLT is the big one).


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