I think I'm screwed...

Well, I woke up this morning, and my entire web farm is offline. After about an hour of investigation, I find out that my hosting company's entire network is offline, and no one is answering their phones. The last local server backup I have is from August 1, and I don't know if I have any local database backups.

So, my hosting company has gone completely AWOL. My websites are all down, as is my mailservers and DNS. It's a good thing I was using myKB to store my website content, and THANK GOD for the Visual Studio offline cache. The only problem is, we were “go” for the launch of our new website on Monday, and the official launch of GenX.NET 3.0.

I think I'm officially screwed. Does anyone have any ideas on how to handle this one? Does anyone have a dedicated server I can bum some space off of for a few days while I figure out a long-term solution? Whatever I'm gonna do, I need to do it quickly. Any assistance at all would be sooo appreciated.

Thanks guys.

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