
Archives / 2006 / December
  • Expression Web Doesn't Do Non-GAC'd 3rd Party Controls

    This is just ridiculous. First Expression web is not for developers, then it goes great with Visual Studio (which is for developers), and now they don't do custom controls that aren't signed and installed in the GAC. What the hell? Did Microsoft have ANY idea what kind of deployment NIGHTMARE that would be? What if the people on your team are writing their own controls that are updated frequently. You mean that the designer has to know enough about the GAC to be constantly pulling the BINs from source control and copy them to the Windows\Assembly folder? Have they not ever dealt with Assembly Hell before?

  • VSTE for DB Professionals MSDN Download Tip

    I don't know if this has been posted about yet, but as an FYI to you MSDN subscribers out there, here's an installation tip. There are two downloads for "VSTE for DB Professionals": A 3.2GB full version and a 19MB "trial" version. The naming is a little confusing, but you can install the "trial" version on a fully-licensed VSTS install, and you'll get the full version of VSTEDB.

  • ASP.NET: Authenticated but not Authorized

    Does anyone know if there is a built-in way to trigger the Membership/Roles/FormsAuth system to redirect to a separate page if the current user is authenticated, but not authorized to view the current page? Right now I'm handling Application.Authenticate and checking UrlAuthorizationModule.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal, but I'm not sure that's the best way, and it's not as clean as I'd like. Thanks!