• I *want* this book. :) Looking forward to it.

  • > a one person army which is also bad

    I guess you're going to have to give TestDriven.NET the same bad rap :)

  • Scott: I hadn't thought of that. But then, TD isn't really open source. For an open source product, one man is not really a good thing..

  • > For an open source product, one man is not really a good thing..

    Actually, I think this is BACKWARDS. For an open-source project, one-man is actually BETTER than for a closed-source (and widely-adopted) tool.

    If Jamie (of TDD.NET fame) decided to stop, we (a lot of us) would be left high-and-dry precisdely BECAUSE its not open source.

    If an open source one-man show closes, SOMEONE could take up the torch and carry it owing to the code's open-source-ness (sic).

    This wasn't EXACTLY borne out by the NDOC fiasco we are all familiar with, but if one or more dedicated people WANTED to pick that up and make it more active, at least they COULD.

  • Roy,

    Are you going to talk about user interface unit tests (or dialog unit test).

    I do not know why the Agile/XP/TDD community alsmost never talk about testing UI.

    Any idea ?

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