
Archives / 2009 / January
  • Page Lifecycle Sample Code

    Yesterday I attempted to create an ASP.NET page which used every single page event in order to better understand how to use each event. You cannot find any sample code for many page events. I managed to write code for every event except Page_AbortTransaction, Page_CommitTransaction, Page_DataBinding, and Page_Disposed which aren't being fired for this page. I tried to use meaningful examples but some of the code may be pointless. Let me know if you see any mistakes or have suggestions for improvements because this has gone into my notes.

  • SSIS Package - User Variables

    A SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) package is very useful if you want to export data from your database. Recently I wanted to pass some input parameters to my SSIS package and had to struggle to figure out how this can be done. This really isn't very well documented and you can't find detailed instructions on the Internet so I thought I'd blog about it. Get a load of how complicated it turned out to be!

  • Book Review: ASP.NET 3.5 Application Architecture and Design

    I recently read a new book published by Packt Publishing, “ASP.NET 3.5 Application Architecture and Design” by Vivek Thakur. I've noticed a lot of articles and blog posts about design patterns and domain models in the ASP.NET community but it really mystified me until I read this book. Although many of the blog posts I've read have tried to be an introduction to design patterns, I'd have to say they all did a poor job compared to Vivek Thakur's book which explains it all in plain English. I learned how application architecture applies to web development and what advantages it is meant to offer.