Contents tagged with Silverlight

  • Silverlight SDK Versions And Aggravations

    Today I spent the morning trying to figure out some of the reasons for my aggravation with Silverlight development. The first thing I discovered was that I had the RC (Release Candidate) version of the Silverlight 1.0 SDK instead of the RTW (Release To Web) version. This can certainly lead to many aggravating errors and problems.

  • Disgusted With Silverlight

    Today I worked on a Twitter client in Silverlight. I got pretty far on this project but had some problems creating hyperlinks in the text. I tried the Hyperlink tag in the XAML Pad and it worked there but it would not work in my Silverlight project. I did some research on the Internet and found a web page with a hyperlink example. Incredibly, this example would have you handle all the mouse events and even the text decoration to make a TextBlock act like a hyperlink. This web page also directs you to "See the documentation for TextDecorations property of the TextBlock object in the Silverlight SDK".

  • How To Convert Raster Graphics To XAML

    Raster graphics are bitmap image files where each pixel is defined as a point of color in a grid. Converting raster graphics to a vector graphic image format like SVG or XAML is not easy. Some graphics programs have an auto-trace feature which attempts to create the vector paths by tracing the raster graphic but I have had little success with that feature. The results are often terrible. You could try to trace an image to create paths using some pen tools but you'll find that requires you to be an expert with pen tools and it is exceedingly frustrating.

  • Silverlight Spirograph

    I've recently started reading the book Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Design: CSS, Themes, and Master Pages by Jacob J. Sanford and skipped ahead to Appendix B: An Introduction to Microsoft Silverlight. This chapter provides an excellent introduction to Silverlight projects using Visual Studio 2008 and the Silverlight 1.1 Alpha SDK. Unfortunately, the Wrox web site did not have a download for this chapter and I had to type in all the code and come up with one image. I learned that XAML tags are case sensitive! I finally got the analog clock example working. Clocks seem to be a popular demonstration project for Silverlight!

  • Displacement Maps - Graphics

    Last night I spent some time learning about displacement maps. A displacement map is used to distort an image by displacing pixels based on the luminance of the map which is a grayscale image. Displacement maps are used to warp an image but they can also be used to project an image onto an uneven surface.

  • Dynamic Video Content Creation - ASV.NET

    ASP.NET is designed to create dynamic web pages by combining data from a database with HTML. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say it programmatically generates web pages for immediate delivery by the web server. That is the basic concept. As I have been working with video for the web instead of HTML for the web it has occurred to me that it would be cool to apply the same concept to video. I would call it ASV.NET (Active Server Video).