Contents tagged with JavaScript

  • Google Chrome - A player?

    So today I'm playing with Google Chrome at work.  From my first look at it, it has promise. There's some beautiful things about it like when one tab freezes for one reason or another (something that would likely shut down Firefox / IE), only that tab freezes and not the entire application - allowing you to continue to work rather than stare at an un-responsive browser.

  • Why I love Javascript, and Ie7 hates extra ,'s in prototyping

    I've been working with javascript rather heavily for the past few... many months. Years ago when I started working with ASP.NET I was naive and thought everything should be done server side. I thought that the server should do all the work so the clients computers would be able to work fast.  It took only 1 year for me to turn that thinking around.  JavaScript rocks! 

  • First look at VS 2008 - JavaScript intelisence.

    Yesterday I downloaded and installed VS 2008 Professional (MSDN License). The process was mild and pretty easy... uninstall all the beta software, install the new software etc. The only problem I had was when I launched a 2005 application (under TFS Source control). VS 2008 (And Team Explorer 2008 by extension) didn't really like this. I got a lot of errors, so I went back to VS 2005, manually checked out the entire solution, then loaded it up in VS 2008.  This worked like a charm.

  • Full Screen web pages and browser resizing - keeping it looking good

    I've noticed one thing that really gets some web developers going (and not the good going): Keeping a full screen web site looking good with different browser sizes. Those that know CSS inside-out will also have this problem as sometimes you just can't cut it with pure CSS.A0 This is why many sites us a set width - they have clear control over everything with just CSS. However, those that like to employ full screen web pages need to do a bit more.

  • Disable pages until they're fully loaded?

     I deal mainly with large scale online applications. Each page that is loaded on a clients computer is littered with JavaSciprt and AJAX functionality.

    One problem we've encountered is users clicking buttons before the page is fully loaded. They might load one page, just to find the link to another, and as soon as they can click the link they do.

    Some of our older pages in our application were not fixed to load scripts first, and then the content. As well as sometimes a link/button is also dependent on another control that isn't loaded yet.

    One thing we've thought of doing was disableing all buttons until the page was fully loaded, however I'm not sure how this will affect our customers, and our testers, will like this though.