
This is a non-technical post (contains no code).

"The size of disappointments is proportional to the size of expectations." -- translation from Hebrew (גודל האכזבות כגודל הציפיות). This is one I have to write down and stick in front of my eyes. I was expecting my team members to pick up the bug I got not so long ago on doing unit testing, TDD, DDD, Patterns and Principles, automation, pragmatic approach, etc. As much as I was expecting them to pick up the stuff and run with it, that much I was amazed to see that it is not going to happen. What is my conclusion? Don't over-expect (as over-design), don't ask what-if, act based on what-now. And the most important - don't have expectations for others, only for yourself.

Why do I post it? Because some good people are going through similar hoops in their development careers and looking for some sanity. So Mr. Mo - don't expect from the "great and mighty" what you have pictured to yourself, but picture yourself what you want to be and strive to that.

Myself? Stick to the right people, do not hesitate to challenge yourself and others, knowing that challenging others might not answer the questions and and you will have to either live with those unsolved, or do whatever it takes to get the answer.

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