C# 3.0 Auto Property And NHibernate

I was reading about NHibernate mapping of the properties that have no setter, and how it's done through the backing field (reflection I assume). The setting looks like this:

<property name="Name" 
          column="name" type="string" length="20" />

And then I got curious what would be that with the new C# 3.0 auto properties.

As a test I made a simple class with a simple string property that looks like this:

      private string test;
      public string Test
        get { return test; }
        private set { test = value; }

And with auto property this looks much sexier:

      public string Test { get; set; }

But what about backing field? Reflector shows the next:

    private string <Test>k__BackingField;
    public string Test 
         [CompilerGenerated] get; 
         private[CompilerGenerated] set; 

Now I was wandering how  that should be communicated in the mapper file for NHibernate?... Googled.... nothing. Any ideas?


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