
Archives / 2008 / October
  • HP Laptop Service

    Lately I had an accident with my HP Pavilion laptop and wanted to share the HP service story with you. Hopefully it will save people time and money.

  • Recommended Podcast

    This is late news, but I really recommend listening to the podcast with Robert C. Martin on .NET Rocks! Decided to listen to this one as a result of the book have read a while ago, Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#. The guy who has spent over 30 years trying to figure out how to do software, has some ideas to inspire how you do things. Audience? Developers, managers, users. Anyone. This is a great content to listen to.

  • naming_a_test

    Naming conventions is always brought up when a team is trying to standardize the way code is expressed. Tab size of 2 vs. size of 4, Camel case vs. Pascal case, blog opening on a new line vs. same line with expression, member fields prefixed vs. underscored vs. nothing, control names with Hungarian notation or without it. The list goes on and on. The truth is that this is really doesn't matter. I have learned to accept what team decides to go with and once you embrace the style it's all good. What really matters is the code being produces, not the size of the font it's printed in (well, probably not the best example, but you get the idea).

  • Domain Object and Contracts

    As a team we have found ourselves in a very delicate situation where we had to make a group design decision and it was quiet an interesting experience. What happens if your opinion does not align with the decision? How do you express your opinion without suppressing others opinions, promoting your concepts without falling into the nasty habit of ignoring anything that is different?

  • Strict Mocks

    I am extremely excited to be a part of a team that has deliberately decided to follow the Agile path and TDD way of producing results. Along with that I am learning myself tones.

  • Singletonitis

    While reading Joshua Kerievsky book "Refactoring to Patterns" could not go silent about abuse of Singleton pattern he described. The question that was asked in the book "When is a Singleton unnecessary?" - "Most of the time". Honestly, I can recall at least a few times when I was sick with Singletonitis: different Utilities, Session related classes, Context related classes, Resources related classes, you name it.

  • NHibernate GUID Alternative

    A good identifier for an entity is considered to be a number. A unique identifier for an entity, such as identifier that can be synchronized across multiple databases, is considered to be GUID. The only issue with a GUID is that it's generated on the DB side, and therefor has  a certain performance hit (an extra roundtrip to the DB to generate the GUID and let NHibernate know about it on insert of a new record). The alternative is to use a generator strategy guid.comb - a guid generated on the client side and as a result of that eliminate an extra roundtrip to the DB. The other benefit is that the value generated by this strategy is sequential, and therefore the GUID values are somewhat more traceable in terms of their order of creation.

  • Law of Demeter

    This post shows a good example of how to refactor your code to preserve Law of Demeter. Very clean and simple example. R# is there for the refactoring part, to make things less manual and friction free. As a reminder, Law of Demeter:

  • Enumerations And Extension Methods

    Enumerations are for enumeration. Obvious. Often, though, it's used also for some metadata knowledge. For example, an enumeration for gender might look like:

  • Moving On

    This is my goodbye post to Sunwapta, the company I spent 3 years with. Definitely, this was one of the most exciting experiences that have happened to me during my career as a software developer. People there have helped me to grow and mature, and for that I owe them my gratitude. I have learned tones. Thank you for keeping up with me and listening to all of the things I was bringing in. I hope when you run into code I had contribution to, it will bring up more of the positive thoughts and not the opposite. It is a bit sad to leave things not entirely finished, but I am more than confident that they will be done in the best way. After all, together we have done a long way and learned awesome things that not only made us better developers, but also taught that pounding in code is not everything that matters, but thinking, analyzing, constantly improving, and most of all, never settling on mediocre, always striving to better. 

  • Nokia

    This post is not sponsored by the manufacturer. Neither do I get dividends from the sales. This is pure lips service to a great product line I've used for years.