
Archives / 2009 / February
  • Agile Stickies Board

    While we are not yet in the era of "Minority Report", a regular White Board and stikies are good 25022009100enough. This is how we started on our current project - the classic way. An interesting observation I've made while going through several attempts to track the progress of a project at several companies - an attempt to "modernize" stickies and get rid of the board. Ways are multiple, from virtualization of the board, to going back to a file based tracking (Excel/Word).

  • Am I Agile? No. Will I Be? Yes.

    Being a developer for 8 years, I went through the classic path of a green newbie knowing nothing, to a more mature developer aware of the flaws, till the current stage where I realize that I wasted too much time on too many things that are not important, when important things are not new and shiny, but old and proved by the time. Waterfall, Spiral, Agile – all titles, what I want to share is the experience I had for the past a year+.

  • C# in Depth

    imageFinished reading "C# in Depth" by Jon Skeet. Good reading, especially if you have to  catch up from C# 1.0 or 2.0 to the latest 3.0. The other one I would like to read now will have to be a mix of this book (without 1.0/2.0 materials) and the excellent "CLR via C#" by  Jeffery Richter.

  • Switching IoC Container with LINQ Expressions

    Several last projects I used a simple IoC container, leveraging Activator.CreateInstance(type). The main reason - simplicity. Once there was a need to go to a higher level, I would switch to Windsor Container. One of the projects used Unity. The only issue was that I would always have to do some customization to my container (or DependencyResolver), which is nothing but a static gateway.

  • Possible Bug in Rhino.Mocks 3.5

    Seems like there's a bug in Rhino.Mocks 3.5 in regards to stubbed dependency (stubbing property getter and a behavior in certain order). Anyone knows something about it?

  • Right Tool for the Right Job

    I used R# as a test runner tool. Nice UI (see my older posts), nicely integrated with Gallio. Just one issue - unrealistically slow when compared with a non-visual tool. And then our team member David showed us old-and-forgotten TestDriven.NET.

  • Reporting Impediments

    During the scrums we report what we did yesterday, planning to do today, and what are the impediments. Impediments sometimes tend to sound like a complaint. So what to do to prevent it become just "bitching" about things?