ReSharper Test Runner is SLOW

I love R#. It’s a great Add-on that makes Visual Studio .NET a usable tool. What I don’t like about R# is it’s test runner – so slow… I switched to use TestDriven.NET almost two years ago. In the last few weeks had to go back to R# test runner. What a difference. I tried to capture the difference on a video, so that you’d see the difference between R# test runner, TD.NET, and command line build script that does everything (compile and test). By the looks of it, R# takes about the same time as command line script. A tool that does literally miracles with VS.NET should be a bit snappier IMO.

PS: I used free version of Jing to capture the video since this is something I was using for a while. But to get it into AVI I used free Microsoft Expression Encoder 4, which I will be using as a capturing tool. Changing tools as you go, another blog post subject.

2010-11-03 Update: QAs at JetBrains are looking into the issue.


  • Hi Sean,

    Thanks for your feedback. What version of ReSharper are you using? We've actually improved the speed of ReSharper quite a lot and are hearing the contrary in terms of feedback regarding this.

    From the video it does look like something is not right. Could it be possible to get access to the code you're using and try and reproduce the problem to see what it is?

    Please feel free to contact me at hadi at jetbrains dot com.


  • @Hadi,
    Thank you for commenting on this one. The version we are using currently is 5.1 Build 5.1.1753.4 on 2010-10-15T15:51:30. This was running under Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1 and the plugin we install as well is Gallio

    I don't think there's something wrong with the code, the project is quite trivial. I did observe the same behavior with Visual Studio 9 (2008) with or without SPs.

    Partially, my assumption is that R# test running is spinning off way too many graphical elements that obviously slow it down.

    Would love to assist to possibly help solve this problem.

  • Do you observe this if you don't have Gallio installed? If you can reproduce this with a standard OSS project, please let me know. We'll check it.

    Also, if it's OK with you, let's switch to email because I don't receive notifications of updates on this blog unfortunately.

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