Contents tagged with SOA

  • Backbone.js, NServiceBus, and Cloud Hosting

    In the past I have always created on premises solutions for web applications that have mostly based on the server side code responsible for front UI and backend code, with a little to none client side code (usually called “scripting” with intention that it is not really a code), predominant validation on the server side with some duplication on the client. Technology of choice was ASP.NET MVC. When choice was not mine, sometime it would be ASP.NET WebForms. Services would be created using WCF, without auto-generated proxies.

  • NServiceBus Course – Afterthought

    I have attended Enterprise Development with NServiceBus course last week. Interestingly, a lot of questions I had back a while ago where answered. Either I was missing the knowledge, or not asking the right questions. Either way, what I was trying to accomplish a year and something ago with BizTalk could be done ten times simpler with NSB. BizTalk was a great tool for mapping, but definitely neither a services platform nor a bus. Long-term running processes with BizTalk (aka Orchestrations) felt plain wrong. The fact that one was not able to test the bread and butter of a business process w/o having a full end to end integration testing was mind blowing. Creating messages outside of BizTalk has felt like a shameful sin.