Contents tagged with Silverlight

  • AOP

    I am looking at the code for Silverlight application and there’s something that just bugs me… INotifyPropertyChanged. This is not the first time, and yet again I see this interface implemented again, and again, and again. This violates several good principles (Single Responsibility and Duplicated Code). It also pollutes the code with cross cutting concerns (change notification). My choice of solution for this is simple – buy, do not build. Yes, it is possible to write a base class that would scan for a custom attribute and will do the wiring. But why? Why not to look into something like PostSharp and take advantage of the hard work the author(s) put into it to make it work.

  • Container for Silverlight

    For most of our projects we use StructureMap as a Container. Silverlight seems to change this a little. From preliminary review looks like StructureMap is not yet ready for Silverlight, so we started to look into a different container. The one that looked good was Ninject. Simple, straight forward, and elegant.