Contents tagged with TDD

  • RavenDB In Memory Query Monitoring

    RavenDB has a great way to monitor what’s happening between client and server. I found it very helpful when trying to figure out what’s happening, or just understand how things work (such as querying).

  • Moq with NameValueCollection

    Mocking HttpRequest and HttpResponse is not complicated with HttpRequestBase and HttpResponseBase introduced in ASP.NET. I had to mock ServerVariables property of HttpRequest and run into an issue – I was accessing an indexer property and didn’t know how to do this. Gladly, ran into a post that mentioned that indexer is actually utilizing a virtual Get() method. Reflector has confirmed that.

  • JavaScript Unit Testing

    Recent announcements for Windows 8 development is not including JavaScript with HTML5 has opened up Windows development for more developers. I wanted to see where testing for JavaScript is standing and was surprised at the variety of frameworks out there. Back in the days when I was trying to do web testing with WatiN, it was painful, especially when a browser had to be loaded for those tests. My interest was around JavaScript testing w/o need to load a browser. QUnit looked very good, but it still required an actual browser. Also, in a CI scenario, I wanted to be able to use a command line/tool execution style.

  • TestDriven.NET AnyCPU Tests

    TestDriven.NET defaults tests for code running on AnyCPU platform to be executed under 32-bit process by default. In order to change that, it has to be configured in VS through Tools –> Options –> TestDriven.NET –> AnyCPU Tests

  • MbUnit–Hidden Gem

    Row tests are fun. You can simulate various inputs with expected outputs and execute them all with a single observation (test). The problem for myself was always the fact that when this was done, the only way to accomplish it was to merge the logical because which operates on system under test behaviour and the observation itself (assertion). This leads to a slightly less readable code IMO.