Interfaces can be both value and reference type

Yesterday someone posted a message on our user group asking if interfaces were reference or value type. Initially i thought reference type, but then i thought that since value types can implement interfaces too, it needs to be a value type as well.
I wrote a small code snippet and used propertyGrid control to get visual results :)
public interface ITest
public class TestClass : ITest
public struct TestStruct : ITest
Here TestClass is a Ref type and TestStruct is a Value type.
i wrote this code in the Form_load event
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
TestClass tc = new TestClass();
ITest itc = (ITest)tc;
propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = itc.GetType();
TestStruct ts = new TestStruct();
ITest its = (ITest)ts;
propertyGrid2.SelectedObject = its.GetType();

When i ran the propertyGrid showed that
itc.ValueType is 'false' and its.ValueType is 'true'.
So interface has the same semantics as the type that implements the interface.

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