
Archives / 2005 / February
  • SharePoint query-language... documented...!

    I feel bad for blaming Microsoft for having no documentation on the dsQuery language… its there: Click through on the keywords and you end up in the CAML keywords…

     Reyn wrote even some piece of code to generate these queries in an easy way from C# code. See his weblog entry at, and the code download at

  • SharePoint query-language... completely undocumented....

    When you convert a SharePoint list view (defined in CAML) to a XSLT Data View, Frontpage generates a query that looks like:

    And the strange thing is that virtually NO information is available on the query syntax.Why o why are such large portions of SharePoint still undocumented?

    If anyone has some pointers for me to documentation on this stuff, please let me know!!

  • New version of SharePoint SDK's

    I love this new service of Microsoft to keep you up to date of updates and new software on Microsoft Download Center. Sign up at

    This way I heard of the new SharePoint SDK’s that are out (jan05 version):

    WSS SDK:

    SPS SDK:

    About the SPS SDK:

    What’s new in the January 2005 update for SharePoint Portal Server 2003:

    • Getting Started section that offers:
      • An expanded introduction to SharePoint Portal Server
      • Expanded Concepts and Architecture section with new topics about Profiles and Personalization, Search, and Enterprise Application Integration, and more
      • New Code Snippets section with code examples for topics such as the Audience, User Profiles, and Security object models
      • New FAQ section that offers answers to a wide range of questions about SharePoint Portal Server, including customization issues
    • Expanded Reference topics that address:
      • Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Search SQL Syntax
      • Protocol Handlers
      • IFilter Administration

    If you are looking for the location where the SPS SDK is installed, on my machine it ended up at C:\SPPTSDK.

  • Q: accessing javascript functions/variables outside windows object

    Here a copy of a question I mailed to the creators of IeUnit. It is a very generic question, maybe someone somewhere out there in blogspace can help me out on this.

    I try to achieve something that I don’t seem to get done…


    In IeUnit a window is opened (through cscript) to access my web page using code like:


    win = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application");


    We then navigate to the page to test:




    where accesstest.htm is a page containing the following html:




    <title>My test title</title>

    <script language="javascript">

    var getThis=10;








    I can now display things like:


    win.document.title à My test title

    win.document.getThis à 10




    How can I access the getThis variable in the page?


    And why do I need this: I’m creating an IeUnit extension lib for testing SharePoint pages. I want to access the Web Part Page Services Component, defined in a variable WPSC. But I can’t access this variable from my test classes.

  • NAnt intellisense in VS.NET 2003

    I know, a zillion people wrote about intellisense in VS.NET for NAnt files already, but just as a reminder for myself I write this blog entry:

    • Create a file with the following NAnt code, modify the SchemaFile property for your installation diretory/version of VS.NET:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <project name="GenerateNAntSchemaForVS.NET" default="genschema">
          <property name="SchemaFile" value="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml\NAnt.xsd"/>
          <target name="genschema">
              <nantschema output="${SchemaFile}" target-ns=""/>

    • Call this script each time you add some extra tasks dll’s or when you move to a new version of NAnt, because it generates a schema based on the available NAnt tasks.

    • Add you NAnt build file to your VS.NET project (if possible).

    • Open the .build file in VS.NET using File->Open…->File…, and then notice the extra options in the lower right corner of the open file window, select Open With…:

    • Now select to open this file as selected below, also click Set as Default:

    • Set in the properties window for this file the targetSchema to the NAnt schema:

    • Repeat for all your build files. Done.