My turn in the blog-tag game!

This post was originally published at

As I’ve been tagged by my boyfriend, I suppose it’s my turn in this blogger’s game to play. So, here goes 5 things some people may don’t know about me:

  1. I went to live on my own a few months ago, to a very cute apartment in Almagro, 5 blocks from my parents. It can’t actually be said a live “alone” since I have this eternal, and of course very welcome and lovely visit, my boyfriend.

  2. I have a degree in Electronic Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires, but I’ve never worked as such. I have always worked as a software developer, nowadays in a great software company: Lagash Systems.

  3. I have always like Maths. I kind of have it in the blood since both my parents are mathematicians. I’ve always teach math, first giving particular lessons and since many years now at the university, where I still teach “Algebra II” and used to teach “Probability and Statistics” too.

  4. When I was young I studied music for many years (since I was 6 till 15) at the National Conservatory. I played piano and flout. Unfortunately I have a very bad memory and can’t remember a single piece of music. But I can still play if I’m in front of the sheet. I play mostly classic, despite for some Queen songs I learned when I was a teen and a great fan of them.

  5. In my free time? I like to walk, dance, and go biking a lot. I try to go by feet everywhere whenever it is possible. I don’t like to stay much inside, I prefer to take some air. I really enjoy going anywhere with my boyfriend, going to the country house on Sundays with the family and hanging out with my friends.

Now it's time to tag another 5 people: RodolfoF, Zaiden, PabloC , Cyn and Pede.



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