Contents tagged with Azure

  • Azure Flavor for the Sharepoint Media Component

    Some time ago I wrote about a Media Processing Component for Sharepoint that I was working on. It is a Media Assets list for Sharepoint that lets you choose where to store the blob files. It provides also intelligence for encoding videos, generating thumbnail and poster images, obtaining media metadata, etc. On that first post the component was explained in detail, with the original 3 storage flavors: Sharepoint list, Virtual Directoy or FTP. The storage manager is extensible, so a new flavor was added later that enabled to store the media files on the cloud, in particular to AmazonS3. Today I’m going to talk about a new cloud flavor based on Azure Blob Storage.

  • Azure Bootcamp @MS Argentina

    I participated yesterday in the Azure Bootcamp that took place at Microsoft Argentina. Along with Vanesa Guccione, my colleague at Lagash, we talked about advanced roles. The contents of the presentation included the new features of the platform, such as full IIS mode, startup tasks, remote desktop plugin and local storage. We also talked about input and internal endpoints and inter-role communication, showing some demo code as well. You can download the material from here.