Contents tagged with TFS

  • Simple MSBuild Configuration: Updating Assemblies With A Version Number

    When distributing a library you often run up against versioning problems, once facet of which is simply determining which version of that library your client is running.  Of course, each project in your solution has an AssemblyInfo.cs file which provides, among other things, the ability to set the Assembly name and version number.  Unfortunately, setting the assembly version here would require not only changing the version manually for each build (depending on your schedule), but keeping it in sync across all projects. 

  • Save Your Codeplex Repository Credentials

    I recently setup my first project ever in CodePlex and naturally I am very excited about its tight integration with TFS since my group uses TFS internally for source control as well.  Connecting to CodePlex through the Visual Studio Team Explorer is very easy, you just use one of the servers as your target, and then give them a variation of your username and password to connect.