Using jQuery Ajax methods in ASP.NET MVC: $.get() and $.getJSON() vs. $.post()

I’m currently working on a project that uses ASP.NET MVC and jQuery to do some Ajax magic, and I ran into a minor (but maybe not obvious) issue when using $.post() against an MVC action that returns a JsonResult.

The core issue is that calling $.get or $.post does not by default treat the returned data as Json, which $.getJSON does. [Also, there is no $.postJSON]

First, let’s setup a little test case using a simple get request.

Calling An Action From jQuery – $.getJSON

   1: function DoAjaxCall() {
   2:     var url = '<%= Url.Action("AjaxTest", "Lookup") %>';
   4:     $.getJSON(url,
   5:         null,
   6:         function(data) {
   7:             alert(;
   8:         }
   9:     );
  10: }

Our JavaScript here simple calls $.getJSON(), passing along the action url and expecting back some data with a name property.  The action is implemented as follows:

   1: public ActionResult AjaxTest()
   2: {
   3:     var data = new { name = "TestName"};
   5:     return Json(data);
   6: }
When we run this, we get the expected result, a little popup that says “TestName”.

Calling the Action using $.post

Let’s make a few changes so that we are posting data to the action and expecting back Json.  The JavaScript changes slightly, with $.getJSON turning into $.post.

   1: function DoAjaxCall() {
   2:     var url = '<%= Url.Action("AjaxTest", "Lookup") %>';
   4:     $.post(url,
   5:         null,
   6:         function(data) {
   7:             alert(;
   8:         }
   9:     );
  10: }

All we need to do to the action method is to add an attribute so that it will restrict itself to accepting post requests.

   1: [AcceptPost]
   2: public ActionResult AjaxTest()
   3: {
   4:     var data = new { name = "TestName"};
   6:     return Json(data);
   7: }

Note that [AcceptPost] is the same thing as [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)].  It can be found in MVC Contrib.

When we run this example, we get a post to the correct method, but our alert box shows only ‘undefined’.

A trip into FireBug shows that our response was the following: {"name":"TestName"}

Everything looks good there, but the problem is obviously that $.post is not interpreting the return value as JSON.  If you debug into the $.post callback you see that the value of the data parameter is this: "{\"name\":\"TestName\"}".

So it appears the result was stringified.  The fix is to specify the type of data to be returned to the callback function as the fourth parameter to $.post().  Possible values are: "xml", "html", "script", "json", "jsonp", or "text".

Let’s try specifying the type parameter and setting it to ‘json’:

   1: function DoAjaxCall() {
   2:     var url = '<%= Url.Action("AjaxTest", "Lookup") %>';
   4:     $.post(url,
   5:         null,
   6:         function(data) {
   7:             alert(;
   8:         },
   9:         'json'
  10:     );
  11: }

Success!  If we look at the POST response it is the same as before, but now we get the proper alert message to display “TestName”.  If we debug through with firebug we see data is now an object with a single property of name (that has the value “TestName”).


What I learned

jQuery’s $.get and $.post do not natively parse the result as JSON.  $.get has a helper called $.getJSON which will do the job for you, though you can achieve the same result by using $.get and passing the string ‘json’ as the fourth “type” parameter.  Since there is no $.postJSON, if you are doing a jQuery ajax post and expecting a JsonResult, you must always pass ‘json’ as the fourth parameter to $.post.


  • You can use $.ajaxSetup to affect the $.post shortcut.

    If you add an $.ajaxSetup({ dataType: 'json' }) one time, all of your $.post calls will attempt to parse JSON.

    Alternatively, you might be interested in using a dataFilter in $.ajaxSetup to leverage browser-native JSON parsing in newer browsers. I've got a post on that:

  • It's frustrating to see many incomplete samples like this one, trying to show people how to make Json work on ASP.NET MVC.

    Perhaps you could break the curse and improve this article telling people how to accomplish this example and get it working:

    1) Install ASP.NET MVC
    2) Create a MVC project
    3) Add javascripts headers on Views\Shared\Site.master
    4) Create a controller named "Lookup"
    5) Add the mentioned C# code for AjaxTest() function which returns an ActionResult
    6) On Views\Lookup aspx page, create a input button to call javascript DoAjaxCall() function, adding a attribute onclick="DoAjaxCall()"
    ... and bla bla

  • But you left out some steps:
    1.) Don't be born too poor to own a computer

  • var url = '';

    This doesn't work, alert shows the value of url = to the full contents of the embedded string, it doesn't resolve to a URL at runtime, is there something I am missing? Other people might be a stupid as me and need an answer to this... :)

  • @David,
    Maybe this is your problem: If you use this code in a .js file then won't "resolve" because those are server-side directives. Using them in a view (like aspx/ascx) would cause the Url.Action call to work. If you separate your code into a .js file then you'll have to use another method for discovering your urls (maybe a well-maintained global).


  • Hello, great post! Congrats!

    You only forgot to use the parameter JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet in the JSon method at the Action.

    Without it, my javascript is not able to get the response.

    Ricardo Serradas

  • Ricardo,
    The method is changed to a post towards the end.

  • Using jquery ajax methods in asp net mvc get and getjson vs post.. Nice :)

  • Using jquery ajax methods in asp net mvc get and getjson vs post.. Keen :)

  • Using jquery ajax methods in asp net mvc get and getjson vs post.. Great idea :)

  • Thanks for the post, working after adding JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet in the JSon method

  • How do I pass parameters to the controller?

  • having problems as well.... sending parameters to controller

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