ASP.NET 3.5 Unleashed Errata: Listing 31.6 and Listing 31.24


There are two mistakes in Chapter 31, Using Server-Side ASP.NET AJAX, both related to a last minute change to the ListView control. Microsoft changed the ListView control to require an itemPlaceholder instead of an itemContainer element in its LayoutTemplate. I managed to update the other code samples related to the ListView control in the book, but I neglected to update Chapter 31 (I forgot that I used the ListView control in this chapter).

The correct code for Listing 31.6 is:

   1:  <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
   2:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
   3:  <html xmlns="">
   4:  <head runat="server">
   5:      <title>Nested UpdatePanels</title>
   6:      <style type="text/css">
   7:          fieldset
   8:          {
   9:              padding: 10px;
  10:          }
  11:          .comment
  12:          {
  13:              padding: 10px;
  14:              border: dotted 2px black;
  15:              margin: 10px;
  16:          }
  17:      </style>
  18:  </head>
  19:  <body>
  20:      <form id="form1" runat="server">
  21:      <div>
  22:      <asp:ScriptManager
  23:          id="sm1"
  24:          Runat="server" />
  25:      Page Time: <%= DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>
  26:      <br />
  27:      <asp:DropDownList
  28:          id="ddlMovie"
  29:          DataSourceID="srcMovies"
  30:          DataValueField="Id"
  31:          DataTextField="Title"
  32:          AutoPostBack="true"
  33:          Runat="server" />
  34:      <asp:SqlDataSource
  35:          id="srcMovies"
  36:          ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:con %>'
  37:          SelectCommand="SELECT Id, Title FROM Movie"
  38:          Runat="server" />
  39:      <br /><br />
  40:      <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upOuter" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
  41:      <Triggers>
  42:          <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="ddlMovie" />
  43:      </Triggers>
  44:      <ContentTemplate>
  45:      Outer UpdatePanel Time: <%= DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>
  46:      <br />
  47:      <asp:FormView
  48:          id="frmMovie"
  49:          DataSourceID="srcMovie"
  50:          Runat="server">
  51:          <ItemTemplate>
  52:          <fieldset>
  53:          <legend>Movie</legend>
  54:          Title: <%# Eval("Title") %>
  55:          <br />
  56:          Director: <%# Eval("Director") %> 
  58:          <asp:UpdatePanel ID="upInner" runat="server">
  59:          <ContentTemplate>        
  60:          <asp:ListView
  61:              id="lstMovieComments"
  62:              DataSourceID="srcMovieComments"
  63:              InsertItemPosition="FirstItem"
  64:              Runat="server">
  65:              <LayoutTemplate>
  66:                  <fieldset>
  67:                  <legend>Comments</legend>
  68:                  Inner UpdatePanel Time: <%# DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>
  69:                  <asp:PlaceHolder id="itemPlaceHolder" runat="server" />
  70:              </fieldset>          
  71:              </LayoutTemplate>
  72:              <ItemTemplate>
  73:                  <div class="comment">
  74:                  <%# Eval("Comment") %>
  75:                  </div>
  76:              </ItemTemplate>
  77:              <InsertItemTemplate>
  78:              <asp:Label
  79:                  id="lblComment"
  80:                  Text="Comment:"
  81:                  AssociatedControlID="txtComment"
  82:                  Runat="server" />
  83:              <br />
  84:              <asp:TextBox
  85:                  id="txtComment"
  86:                  Text='<%# Bind("Comment") %>'
  87:                  TextMode="MultiLine"
  88:                  Columns="40"
  89:                  Rows="3"
  90:                  Runat="server" />
  91:              <br />
  92:              <asp:Button
  93:                  id="btnInsert"
  94:                  Text="Add Comment"
  95:                  CommandName="Insert"
  96:                  Runat="server" />    
  97:              </InsertItemTemplate>
  98:          </asp:ListView>
  99:          </ContentTemplate>
 100:          </asp:UpdatePanel>
 101:          <asp:SqlDataSource
 102:              id="srcMovieComments"
 103:              ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:con %>'
 104:              SelectCommand="SELECT Id, Comment 
 105:                  FROM MovieComment
 106:                  WHERE MovieId=@MovieId"
 107:              InsertCommand="INSERT MovieComment (Comment,MovieId)
 108:                  VALUES (@Comment,@MovieId)"
 109:              Runat="server">
 110:              <SelectParameters>
 111:                  <asp:ControlParameter Name="MovieId" ControlID="ddlMovie" />
 112:              </SelectParameters>    
 113:              <InsertParameters>
 114:                  <asp:ControlParameter Name="MovieId" ControlID="ddlMovie" />
 115:              </InsertParameters>    
 116:          </asp:SqlDataSource>     
 117:          </fieldset>        
 118:          </ItemTemplate>
 119:      </asp:FormView>   
 120:      </ContentTemplate> 
 121:      </asp:UpdatePanel>
 122:      <asp:SqlDataSource
 123:          id="srcMovie"
 124:          ConnectionString='<%$ ConnectionStrings:con %>'
 125:          SelectCommand="SELECT Id, Title, Director 
 126:              FROM Movie
 127:              WHERE Id=@Id"
 128:          Runat="server">
 129:          <SelectParameters>
 130:              <asp:ControlParameter Name="Id" ControlID="ddlMovie" />
 131:          </SelectParameters>    
 132:      </asp:SqlDataSource>     
 133:      </div>
 134:      </form>
 135:  </body>
 136:  </html>

Notice that I also updated the way that the current time is displayed for this code sample. I changed:

Inner UpdatePanel Time: <%= DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>


Inner UpdatePanel Time: <%# DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>

The correct code for Listing 31.24 is:

   1:  <%@ Page Language="C#" %>
   2:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
   3:  <html xmlns="">
   4:  <head runat="server">
   5:      <title>Timer Messages</title>
   6:      <style type="text/css">
   7:      .message
   8:      {
   9:          margin-left: 20px;
  10:          font-style:italic;
  11:      }
  12:      </style>
  13:  </head>
  14:  <body>
  15:      <form id="form1" runat="server">
  16:      <asp:ScriptManager ID="sm1" runat="server" />
  17:      <asp:Timer ID="Timer1" Interval="5000" runat="server" />
  18:      <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up1" runat="server">
  19:      <Triggers>
  20:          <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Timer1" EventName="Tick" />
  21:      </Triggers>
  22:      <ContentTemplate>
  23:      Last Refresh <%= DateTime.Now.ToString("T") %>
  24:      <hr />
  25:      <asp:ListView
  26:          id="lstMessages"
  27:          DataSourceID="srcMessages"
  28:          Runat="server">
  29:          <LayoutTemplate>
  30:              <asp:Placeholder id="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />
  31:          </LayoutTemplate>
  32:          <ItemTemplate>
  33:              <div>
  34:                  Posted by <%# Eval("PostedBy") %>
  35:                  <div class="message">
  36:                  <%# Eval("Post") %>
  37:                  </div>
  38:              </div>    
  39:          </ItemTemplate>
  40:      </asp:ListView>    
  41:      </ContentTemplate>      
  42:      </asp:UpdatePanel>
  43:      <asp:ObjectDataSource
  44:          id="srcMessages"
  45:          TypeName="Message"
  46:          SelectMethod="Select"
  47:          Runat="server" />
  48:      </form>
  49:  </body>
  50:  </html>

Thank you Nikolay for pointing out these errors.


  • Hi Stephen,

    I have your book and found it usefull.
    Unfortunatelly there are some errors on the book code. You're doing a great job to fixing them but It will be more usefull to publish complete fixed sources as zip somewhere here or on Superexpert site. This will allow us to get the latest version without doing merge.


  • Just thought I would also comment on how much your book has helped me. Although I still haven't made the move to C# from VB.NET your book has helped me no end.. thanks

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