Steve Sloka

  • The beta bits have expired!

    I while back I installed an extension into Visual Studio called "Default Browser Switcher". It's a really neat tool that allows you to specify which browser to debug with when testing an ASP.NET application. In the past you had to right click an aspx file and choose "Browse With", then set your default.

    Problem is that when working with MVC, you cannot do this (since there's no *.aspx files!). So I used to add a dummy aspx file and use that to choose my browser. Since then all was well, but recently I received the following message:

    Beta Bits


    Goto: %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Extensions and delete the folder named: "Clarius Consulting", then re-download the extension and all should be well.

    Hope this helps someone else if they've run into the same problem as I.

    ~ Steve

  • MVC Scaffold Template Not Generating?

    Been working on an MVC project and my templates were not generating. I first created my Model inside my "Models" folder, then did a quick compile. Next I went to the Views folder to get it created, right click and say "Add View" then I clicked the checkbox to create an edit page. What happened was the template would never seem to pull in my Model, it would just have the default header items, but the entire model was missing.

  • Linq -- SubmitChanges() not saving to database

    I've been working with Linq now for a while, but sometimes the simplest things get the best of you.  I was working with a new project where I had been using Linq all over the place. Everything was working, selecting rows, inserting logs, etc, etc, however, one portion was not. I was attempting to get a row from the database, changing a value then saving back that row. 

  • VS2008 Performance

    I have been having some performance problems with Visual Studio 2008 web applications.  I see a delay when working on aspx pages.  Just typing, adding controls, or switching between Design to Code view (or even Split) would spike the cpu a little and freeze up for 10-15 seconds.

  • LINQ to DataTable

    We have been adopting Linq slowly but surely and have run into some issues we never had to deal with in the past.  Currently I use DataSets in VS2005 for everything.  These are nice since they return DataTables easily and allow updates / inserts / etc without issue.