
Archives / 2003 / June
  • Enterprise Instrumentation Framework vs the Exception Management AB

    My current project was planning on using the Exception Handling Application Block (EMAB) for logging and monitoring exceptions.  We are also planning on using the Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) for application monitoring.  Other than Sameer’s mention, resources on EIF are scarce.  From reviewing Microsoft’s NetOps Guide it looks to me that the EIF provides a superset of the EMAB’s functionality.  I’m leaning towards using the EIF to provide:
    1) Logging on exceptions – through ErrorMessageEvent.Raise() in exception handling blocks
    2) Application monitoring – by raising events when critical business events occur.

  • Is Your Problem Exceptional?

    Error handling is frequently ignored or postponed until “after the basic functionality is working”. However, designing a standard error handling strategy is critical to producing reliable software, especially if you are writing a software library that will be used by other developers. Even if you aren’t building a library for distribution, other developers on your team or project depend on your code.