Context is King
No pain, no gain.
How to implement Generic Queries by combining EntityFramework Core and GraphQL.NET?
Currently, I have struggled with the problems that I have to implement many times the query for any entity in my data model. I thought if we can expose all entities to the APIs (or maybe have a way to limited some of the sensitive entities) would be great, and then others simply to query it (like a generic query to avoid boilerplate code when we implemented over and over the query function for all entities in the system).
How to Construct the Web Application to Sleep Well at Night?
Nowadays, the web development is emerging really fast. We feel like if we don’t learn new thing then we become a caveman from that day. A lot of technologies out there is for web development, but in the article, I would only like to focus on the React Ecosystem. Because I like React library and its ecosystem, I spent a lot of time to research and work on it for a long time.
How to Organize CLEAN ARCHITECTURE to Modular Patterns in 10 Minutes
You are still concern about what is the modern software architecture at the moment? You are searching around to the BEST Software Architecture for applying in your next projects. Go deeply into this article, it's going to help you answering by your own.
The awesome dotnetcore collection for .NET community
In the last month, dotnetcore, aspnetcore, and efcore were released .NET Core 1.0 RTM. Apparently, everyone in .NET community is very excited about this news. Because in .NET standard 1.6 version, we can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSes very well. Accordingly, a lot of libraries, frameworks, tools, starter-kits and articles also come out. The problem of this is a lot of people don't know how to find the best one to use in their projects, based on the very new framework like dotnetcore, aspnetcore, and efcore. To help those people can be easy to find the best one for the specific purpose, I have created the awesome dotnetcore collection on GitHub to classification all the libraries, framework, starter-kits into each category so that if anyone wants to use some of them in this collection can choose it effectively. And luckily, this project is welcomed by the community (a lot of like, share and pull requests). I am really happy about it because I know what I do, really make people excited about and maybe it is helpful for them too :)
ASP.NET MVC 6 with JSPM and Material Design Lite
ASP.NET MVC 6.0 just released in couples of months and brought to us a lot of new things. The front-end development is also improved by the time until Visual Studio 2015 released. I have been working on NodeJs for some of projects, and finding that NodeJs really good for front-end side (some cases, it is also good for back-end with MEAN stack). It makes us develop new projects very quick and ton of plugins in NodeJs community also amazing. When I come back to .NET world, a lot of cool things make me feel very comfortable when writing code. ASP.NET MVC 6.0 supported NPM and Bower build-in packages when we created a solution. It is good, all of us know that.
Customize the SimpleMembership in ASP.NET MVC 4.0
As we know, .NET 4.5 have come up to us, and come along with a lot of new interesting features as well. Visual Studio 2012 was also introduced some days ago. They made us feel very happy with cool improvement along with us. Performance when loading code editor is very good at the moment (immediate after click on the solution). I explore some of cool features at these days. Some of them like Json.NET integrated in ASP.NET MVC 4.0, improvement on asynchronous action, new lightweight theme on Visual Studio, supporting very good on mobile development, improvement on authentication…
Skinny controller in ASP.NET MVC 4
Rails community are always inspire a lot of best ideas. I really love this community by the time. One of these is "Fat models and skinny controllers". I have spent a lot of time on ASP.NET MVC, and really I did some miss-takes, because I made the controller so fat. That make controller is really dirty and very hard to maintain in the future. It is violate seriously SRP principle and KISS as well. But how can we achieve that in ASP.NET MVC? That question is really clear after I read "Manning ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action". It is simple that we can separate it into ActionResult, and try to implementing logic and persistence data inside this. In last 2 years, I have read this from Jimmy Bogard blog, but in that time I never had a consideration about it. That's enough for talking now.
BDD with Specflow, Moq and Microsoft Unit Testing framework
BDD (Behavior Driven Development) is very popular in these days. I know a lot of companies used BDD in our projects. So I also had some curios about it and I applied for my current project. I used Specflow, Moq and Microsoft Testing framework for working. I did it and found out some things very interested in. In this post I will not focus on what it BDD? What is Mock, stub or how to write a unit testing? Readers can easy find on internet, just googling it and everything will be okay. I just focus on the some best things I found when I implemented the BDD on my code. I used AAA (Arrange-Act-Assert) and GWT (Given-When-Then) patterns in my code. They are clearly and easily to understand and become standard when you write unit testing and mocking.
WCF Web API with Web Activator package
In these days, I had read some blogs and a lot of post in internet about WCF Web API. And I also have curious about it. It is not new technology. And after I watched some postcast. I recognize it is a good one that I must to researching. RESTfull is a hot topic and have a lot of argues these days. WCF Web API is built on top of WCF service. How does it good? I don't know we just follow and analyze it later. Do you agree with me?
Razor Themed View Engine for multi-themes site
All sources code for this post can be find at here.