Contents tagged with JavaScript

  • Do you jQuery?

    There has been a steadily growing buzz over jQuery, and many development teams have already introduced it as a standard library in their Ajax applications.  The buzz just got much much louder, when Microsoft announced that jQuery will now be included and officially supported inside of Visual Studio .NET. 

  • Ending the JavaScript Error Epidemic

    I don't know about you, but I'm absolutely tired of getting JavaScript errors on 50% of the websites I visit.  It's pretty much become an expectation that if you visit certain sites ( comes to mind) you're going to get a JavaScript error.  Why?  Is it because no one cares, or because no one notices?  Either way it's out of control, and it seems that everyone has simply accepted this behavior of the WWW at this point.  Being a web developer my browser is always set to show me JavaScript errors and prompt me to debug.  I do this so that I'm made aware when I introduce a JavaScript error into one of my pages, however it also makes me aware when anyone else does too.  I think it's time that we force a change, and hopefully together we can catalyze this change - turning unhandled JavaScript errors into the exception not the rule.