• Hi Eyal,
    After your presentation at Architects Usergroup ,I tried to run WPF Smart Client Software Factory.
    It doesn't work. I get some compilation errors that I can't fix by myself.
    In this days my team considering to use SCSFWPF in some new product.
    Can you post any demo project based on SCSFWPF Template and some setting manuals? Or even the sources from the Usergroup?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sergei Gorlovetsky
    RAD Group

  • HOLA

    Un favor enorme, estoy en universidad en segundo año, y estoy diseñando un programa en wpf, lo unico que lleve en la universidad hasta ahora es windows.form y consola, y sinceramente no me ubico muy bien como utilizar wpf.
    tengo varias dudas, ya estoy desarrollando el programa, una de mis dudas es como utilizar sonidos, videos, y si podemos utilizar XNA.
    muchas gracias

  • lets see whether your videos gone help me or not.If they helped i will be very much oblised to you.

  • I'd prefer to try the tutorial befor complementing you

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  • I really enjoyed your amazing website. Be sure to keep it up.
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