Three Config File Reading Examples

Here are three examples of config file reading.  I couldn't easily find enough information in one place and the MSDN documentation wasn't obvious enough.


This is a very generic snippet that can be pasted in a winform app.  It's not rocket science, but I'm sure it will save someone a little time.


Type 1 - Regular configuration file settings

Type 2 - Section that uses nodes and the IConfigurationSectionHandler interface

Type 3 – Section that uses attributes and a class that inherits from ConfigurationSection


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>



       Helpful Articles and Documentation:



       <!--Must specify a group to layout nodes in the section and not just attributes.-->


              <sectionGroup name="Type2">

                     <section name="Field1" type="MultiConfigSections.MultConfigurationSectionHandler2, MultiConfigSections"/>

                     <section name="Field2" type="MultiConfigSections.MultConfigurationSectionHandler2, MultiConfigSections"/>

                     <section name="Field3" type="MultiConfigSections.MultConfigurationSectionHandler2, MultiConfigSections"/>



              <section name="Type3" type="MultiConfigSections.MultConfigurationSectionHandler3, MultiConfigSections" />









       <Type3 FileLocation="c:\File3.txt" UserId="4321" SomethingElse="!!revetahW" />



              <add key="Field1" value="c:\File1.txt" />

              <add key="UserId" value="9876" />

              <add key="Field3" value="Etc..." />





//  Must add a reference to System.Configuration assembly for the project.

using System.Configuration;


namespace MultiConfigSections


       public partial class MultiConfigSectionsForm : Form


              public MultiConfigSectionsForm()





              /// <summary>

              /// Basic setting retriever.

              /// </summary>

              private void btnGetSetting1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


                     txtFileLocation.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[SettingField.Field1.ToString()] as string;

                     txtUserId.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[SettingField.UserId.ToString()] as string;

                     txtSomethingElse.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[SettingField.Field3.ToString()] as string;



              /// <summary>

              /// Retrieve section with the section path.

              /// </summary>

              private void btnGetSettings2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


                     SettingType settingType = SettingType.Type2;


                     string fileLocation = GetImportSetting(settingType, SettingField.Field1);

                     string userId = GetImportSetting(settingType, SettingField.Field2);

                     string somethingElse = GetImportSetting(settingType, SettingField.Field3);


                     txtFileLocation.Text = fileLocation;

                     txtUserId.Text = userId;

                     txtSomethingElse.Text = somethingElse;



              /// <summary>

              /// Retrieve settings using the class in one call to the ConfigurationManager class.

              /// </summary>

              private void btnGetSettings3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


                     //  Read a specific config file or just default to the current EXE.

                     //  Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

                     //  multConfigurationSectionHandler = configuration.Sections[SettingType.Type2.ToString()] as MultConfigurationSectionHandler;


                     MultConfigurationSectionHandler3 multConfigurationSectionHandler2 = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(SettingType.Type3.ToString()) as MultConfigurationSectionHandler3;

                     if (null != multConfigurationSectionHandler2)


                           txtFileLocation.Text = multConfigurationSectionHandler2.FileLocation;

                           txtUserId.Text = multConfigurationSectionHandler2.UserId;

                           txtSomethingElse.Text = multConfigurationSectionHandler2.SomethingElse;




              /// <summary>

              /// Return a single setting.

              /// </summary>

              private string GetImportSetting(SettingType settingType, SettingField settingField)


                     string ret = string.Empty;

                     string sectionName = string.Format("{0}/{1}", settingType.ToString(), settingField.ToString());


                     //  The .Net 1.1 Method: 

                     //            ret = ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig(sectionName) as string;

                     //  The .Net 2.0 Method:

                     ret = ConfigurationManager.GetSection(sectionName) as string;


                     return ret;




       /// <summary>

       /// Group Types.

       /// </summary>

       public enum SettingType






       /// <summary>

       /// Field Types.

       /// </summary>

       public enum SettingField










       /// <summary>

       /// Configuration class.  This cannot be an inner class.

       /// </summary>

       class MultConfigurationSectionHandler2 : IConfigurationSectionHandler


              public object Create(object parent, object configContext, System.Xml.XmlNode section)


                     object ret = null;


                     if (section.Name == SettingField.Field1.ToString() ||

                           section.Name == SettingField.Field2.ToString() ||

                           section.Name == SettingField.Field3.ToString())

                           ret = section.ChildNodes[0].Value;


                     return ret;




       /// <summary>

       /// Configuration class.  This cannot be an inner class.

       /// </summary>

       class MultConfigurationSectionHandler3 : ConfigurationSection


              [ConfigurationProperty("FileLocation")]  //  Must Match XML Case

              public string FileLocation


                     get { return this["FileLocation"] as string; }

                     set { this["FileLocation"] = value; }




              public string UserId


                     get { return this["UserId"] as string; }

                     set { this["UserId"] = value; }




              public string SomethingElse


                     get { return this["SomethingElse"] as string; }

                     set { this["SomethingElse"] = value; }



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