MS IL CodeDOM Provider: Released too quickly

Note: this entry has moved.


As you may have probably noticed by now, a week ago, Microsoft released the source code for an IL CodeDOM Provider. I was interested in trying some stuff using the bits but I found several issues with them:


  • The code doesn’t compile AS IS with the current public Whidbey bits.
  • There is no reference in the doco to which Whidbey build is supposed to be used.
  • The doco (word document) have some reviewer comments left (made by “Fernando Lakshan”) dated July 2004, like reviewing was never finished.
  • The doco ends with an incomplete phrase, giving a strong impression that it just plain incomplete.
  • There is a mention for a typereflection.vsd file that is not bundled in the distro.


All this is crying for another release… and I would love to try a few things if a usable download is ever made available.

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