Visual Studio Changing default profile setting


While working with Visual Studio, was that normally we have to select the profile setting (Visula Basic profile, C# profile, web development profile etc...) when we start the Visual Studio for the first Times. But Many a time after working on a type of project for some time you start working on other types of project.

For Example, Currently I am working on a Windows Applictaion (With Language VB.Net) But before this project I was Working on Web Development in C#, and before that Windows Development in C#.

In Visual studio you can easily change the profile of the IDE by going to Tools -> Import Export Settings. This brings up Import Export Windows Wizard. Follow the simple Wizard (which also allows to save you the current settings  for future use) and seletc the new profile setting (based on the kind of project you are working on) and you are ready to work with new profile.


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