ADO.NET features and functions

If you could have someone else write your favorite ADO.NET book, what would you want to see in that book and why?  What features are coming up in Whidbey, Yukon, and beyond that you would want to know about and have real-world examples of?  What databases do you care about connecting to ADO.NET?



  • Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL. Not too interested in PostgreSQL or DB2 at the moment. MySQL is almost becoming a requirement for me as a cheap, no limit option to SQL Server.

    (Talk to the requirements folks. ;p)

    As for who would write it -- someone with a sense of humor, maybe a cartoonist at the side. ADO.NET and database technologies are boring to read about -- and most authors who know enough to be worthwhile to read are just as dry. Having a touch of humor or cartoons (ala The Dummies Guide To...) helps tremendously to keep attention.

  • Lots of BLOB stuff. How to upload files & graphics. How to get it back to the app/web site. Most books gloss over this necessity.

    Connection management. Do I hold the connection or drop it between requests? Does it depend upon the database (Access/MS SQL)?

    Transaction management. Heavy description of the types and thier use. Include examples of using/ not using transactions.

    How to avoid Deadlocks.

    Cutting down on trips to the database. Using DataSet to return more than on query result at a time.

    How to work without VS.Net automatic binding. I don't use it anyway.

    How to obtain DB Structure (tables, columns, referencial integrity).

    How to build DB Structures.

    If you spent some time, you could write the bible of DB Access via .Net.

  • I care about writing ADO.NET code that can connect to ANY database. Where the code I write is independant of the provider I specify in a connection string. Java has this, the .NET Framework should too.

  • Enhancements to the DataSet and Datatable classes

    Optimized DataSet Serialization

    Conversion of a DataReader to a DataSet or a DataTable and vice versa

    Data Paging

    Batch Updates — Reduction in database roundtrips

    Asynchronous Data Access

    Common Provider Model

    Bulk Copy

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